Category: Uncategorized

  • Understanding your NatHERS Certificate

    Understanding your NatHERS Certificate


    The Green Rate team recognize that a NatHERS certificate can be confusing to interpret, even for seasoned industry professionals. While a good sustainability consultant will ensure that the requirements of your energy rating are communicated to you, it’s good to have an understanding of how to read and interpret the important information contained within the…

  • Understanding your 6 or 7 Star Energy Report: Victorian Insulation Edition

    Understanding your 6 or 7 Star Energy Report: Victorian Insulation Edition


    Foreword We’ve written previously about how challenging it can be to understand the requirements of your home energy rating. The NatHERS Certificate is an extremely technical document and even the best advice provided by a sustainability consultant can seem confusing to the uninitiated. The below blog aims to provide an introduction to the insulation requirements…