BESS Assessments and Reports

What BESS Assessments and Reports

BESS stands for the Built Environment Sustainability Scorecard and, similar to Basix in NSW, is a Victoria based assessment tool for ensuring that an acceptable amount environmentally sustainable design features are incorporated into residential and commercial developments. Following the assessment, a development will receive a rating out of 100 with a minimum rating of 50 required.

The BESS assessment will consider the following:

Energy Use
Water Use
Stormwater Management
Indoor Environment Quality
Transport Initiatives
Waste Management
Urban Ecology
Management & Innovative building practices

Following the assessment, the Green Rate consultant preparing the report will suggest cost effective, realistic sustainability features to ensure that the proposed development meet all regulatory requirements.

Why and when do I need a BESS Assessments and Report?

In Victoria, local Councils have planning instruments that require a variety of factors to be considered before approval can be granted for a development application.

The requirement for a Bess Assessment and Report is triggered when a development application is submitted and is normally formally requested by a Request for Information issued by Council, usually as a component of either a Sustainable Design Assessment or Sustainable Management Plan.

How do I get a BESS Assessment and Report completed

Once the town planning drawings have been prepared and shared, the Green Rate Team will review and provide a detailed quotation. Once approved, the Green Rate Team will begin the assessment utilizing the following steps:

Review of provided plans
Water Sensitive Design Assessment Undertaken
Bess Assessment Undertaken using the online portal and extensive industry experienceList item
BESS Report drafted (usually as part of a SDA/SMP)
Preliminary BESS/SDA/SMP report issued to the client for review and comment
Report finalisation

Why does getting a good quality BESS Assessment and Report matter

Ensuring the correct sustainability features are incorporated into the development is critical to guaranteeing a cost effective, environmentally friendly development that will provide a comfortable and health living space for years to come.

The sustainability commitments made within the BESS Assessment can have a huge impact on the development in the following areas:

Up front cost implications
Ongoing expenses for the occupants
Long term environmental benefits
Long term health and comfort of the occupants