Water Sensitive Urban Design Assessments

What is a Water Sensitive Urban Design Assessments?

Water Sensitive Urban Design Assessments will consider how stormwater runoff will be managed within a proposed development. Whenever a residential or commercial development is proposed, there is a significant amount of hardstand (roofs, concrete driveways etc) proposed. During a storm event, rainwater is then directed into the stormwater system and will have a negative effect on the local environment as well as contribute to flooding of the local area.

A Water Sensitive Urban Design Assessment aims to assess the impact of the additional hardstand areas and incorporate measures such as rainwater tanks and rain gardens to ensure the stormwater is managed appropriately.

Why and when do I need a Water Sensitive Urban Design Assessments

In Victoria, local Councils have planning instruments that require a variety of factors to be considered before approval can be granted for a development application. The requirement for a Water Sensitive Urban Design Assessments is triggered when a development application is submitted and is normally formally requested by a Request for Information issued by Council.

Water Sensitive Urban Design Assessments are required within Victoria for all new developments or renovations/additions which will substantially alter the amount of hardstand on a site.

What else can Water Sensitive Urban Design Assessments be called?

How do I get a Water Sensitive Urban Design Assessment completed

Once the town planning drawings have been prepared and shared, the Green Rate Team will review and provide a detailed quotation. Once approved, the Green Rate Team will begin the assessment utilizing the following steps:

Review of provided plans
Calculation of the amount of hardstand areas and consideration of treatment measures
Water Sensitive Design Assessment Undertaken using either the Melbourne Water STORM tool or specialist software such as MUSIC
Written report prepared including a WSUD Plan which outlines the treatment measures
Preliminary report issued to the client for review and comment
Report finalisation

Why does getting a good quality Water Sensitive Urban Design Assessments matter

Ensuring the correct treatment features are incorporated into the design is critical to not only preserving the local environment but also ensuring that local flooding (onsite and offsite) is managed.

A low quality assessment may lead to treatments measures that are ineffective and result in wasted upfront capital as well as ongoing maintenance/remedial costs.